Why I decided to build this site
A bit of context
Web development is very attractive to me, mainly because design, animations, transitions and performance are some variables that are constantly evolving. In addition, access to open source technologies that allow these variables to be edited in a flexible and readable way are not only within reach, but are accompanied by detailed documentation and active communities around them.
About 3 years ago I had the opportunity to learn about software development using the well-validated MEAN stack. No doubt getting a system to work correctly made me happy, but the development process was often frustrating.
Shortly after that I found myself in Australia living the backpacking adventure and stopped writing code but not reading about technology. Apparently in the last 3 years the developer experience improved considerably, I was very curious about new technologies especially related to front-end development. So I decided to try again, this time using React.
So why this site then?
I will use this site to document my learning process, improve my communication skills, and take stock of my current status as a web developer. The ultimate goal, however, is to get my first job as a Front End Developer using React and to help those who are facing similar challenges using the same stack.
To achieve this, I will be developing 4 projects from scratch, each with a different set of requirements: an e-commerce, a landing page, this portfolio, and an IoT application. My notes on the development of these projects will be posted on the blog, and as I gain experience, I will update the content.
The tech stack I chose for this site
The React ecosystem is full of resources, there are many ways to develop user interfaces with a high level of detail. Having tried out different technologies, I have found a stack that makes me feel comfortable, and programming has become enjoyable again for me.
This project is powered by Next.js, a React framework that gives us everything we need to develop production-optimized sites from the ground up. Meanwhile, all the content is managed via Sanity Studio, an open-source content management system based on React. In addition, the styling was implemented using TailwindCSS, an extensible, easy-to-customize utility first CSS framework.
You can read more about this project here here.